Stories from the University of Cambridge


Engineering Biology Interdisciplinary Research Centre

Department of Biochemistry
Sanger Building
Tennis Court Road

The Engineering Biology Interdisciplinary Research Centre (EngBio IRC) is a centralised hub for Engineering Biology research. It brings together researchers, commercial partners and external collaborators. It supports researchers working across disciplines - at the intersections of biology, engineering, computer sciences, design and bioethics. The EngBio IRC was established in 2013. Since then, we have been keen on consolidating the position of the University of Cambridge as a nationally and internationally recognised centre of excellence in engineering biology.


Authored by Cristina Rodrigues Gabriel Sales
Reviewed by Hend Aly, Jenny Molloy, Laura Machesky
Graphic design by Matt Willatt Design Ltd
Project Support by Vicky Reid
Funded by HEIF

Thank you to all of the researchers listed in the profiles for taking time out of their schedules to share the story of their open technology projects with us.